Summer Project

My summer Diary 

Week I

I started my short video logs surrounding my boring everyday routines which generally consist of watching TV, eating, ignoring the sensibilities of getting summer homework done early and taking a nap in-between.
Eating the final 13 chicken nuggets out of the 20 'share' box I got from Mc Donald's the previous day was one of the highlights of my week, along with going with some friends to M&M World which was a hassle to get to as it wasn't put in a very noticeable place, and in the whole frustration of my phone failing to bring us to the location we eventually had to ask for directions. I didn't buy anything at M&M world but I did happen to make it up by spending  my money on food, subway, CocaCola, and a Hong Kong waffle that I got from Trocadero (by which we found out that their arcade had closed down).
Back to my healthy breakfast of Mcnuggets that i reheated at precisely 1:10 seconds in the microwave to clarify i didnt keep the box to use later in my art work because it wouldn't have been to sanitary so though this is irrelevant I will briefly record the 5 senses now:

Smell - crayons ( the box)
Touch - note to self, before you nearly burn the tips of your fingers again it would be wise to let them cool down awhile, steam isn't always inviting, it's mostly a sign of caution!
Taste - like a Mcnugget
Sound - sizzling from the internal to external heating process of the microwave
Sight - the box sagging on the bottom from the heat near turned to water vapour, the golden crinkled near perfect circular shaped crafted by GOD him/herself/thing/energy spirit thing.

This week I also felt inspired to write down the dribble that was in my head and called it 'The notes that nobody is meant to read'
Right so this is the beginning of 'The notes nobody is meant to understand or meant to read' I've noticed from watching Ryan Leslie and others (not that this is a new realisation) that Hip Hop beats ( not just HipHop beats Khannah) are all built from a single idea (like everything). I thought it best if I actually wrote this down then just having it in my head every time I have an idea for a beat. I can choose for it to be and sound organic e.g. piano, drum kit. Electronic or both, either way awesome, but before I get started I should have an idea of structure actually not just an idea of structure an IDEA which basically something that IS going to happen then just having being jumbled with the rest of the crap in my head. Structure means to me NOT just how I plan for it to go melodically but also the instruments I plan to build up on it. I will find this very stupid and unnecessary when I look back on this, but damn it future me don't you dare get rid of this this is how you think so deal with it.” Makes no sense, but I like how I slightly verbally abuse myself in the end...

Messing with Mum

Week II

I DID NOTHING!! there was nothing to do but kind of get a clue and realise that summer isn't for ever so I read a little of 'A Handmaid's Tale' by Margaret Atwood ( which is an assignment for English Lit) I got to page 50 in one sitting, but it starts on page 13 so I don't really see this as an achievement, the fact that I! me! started doing what I was told without any pressure of time I would say is an achievement though. I went to the dentist for get a filling replaced from my temporary one, I suppose that's something...I ate an ice cream cone I didn't like because it was a Cornetto which means it has a frozen cone which I'm not to fond of, I much prefer the waffle cones that you get from ice cream vans, they're a lot user friendly as they don't cut the roof of my mouth and taste like flavoured, frozen, brown breaded cardboard! My tooth (the tooth with the impossibly small filling) I found later in the week is quite sensitive to both cold and heat I get a sharp sour pain I might, if this continues have to go back and see what's wrong.

Week III
So i started off the week by going to the Doctors surgery to get a referral for a allergy test which i later found out from my doctor that i didnt have an allergy but was kind of a relief because it had been a nuisance for many years now,  9yrs to be exact ( I'm 17 you do the math ) I being the oblivious person i am didnt take notice to the build up of traffic and exceptional amount of buses coming down the main road on my way home as anything but normal later i heard that there had been riots for the last 3 days!! I spent the rest of the week bumming around the house with my paranoid mother who wouldn't go to work because we worked close to the magistrates court in Camberwell, but we eventually went on Saturday.

This is the only use I could find for this Jehovah's Witness

The Magistrates court was packed with these vans

They were handling serious bid'ness

After work we went to Sainsburys and I found this cereal which I thought was to appropriate for bran flakes.

Week IV
 I went National history museum with a friend to make up for the plans that got ruined because of the riots last week. I met up with her in Balham and we made our way there by tube which were humid and crowded, I usually walk towards the first carriage to avoid such problems, but she told me I was being 'anti-social', strange that after the whole cramped tube experience that suddenly on our way back anti-social = free seats...sometimes they need to learn the hard way. when we got there we had no idea of which entrance to go in through and I'm surprised we get anywhere with our navigation skills. I didn't have any particular places I wanted to go but my friend wanted to go and see the life sized blue whale which we had to work our way up to because they organised the areas into sections and there was really only one direction you could go so we had to go through several other zones to get to where we wanted to. When we got to the blue zone I wasn't so much impressed by the blue whale but the name of this dear. I know it seems childish, but how do these things come about?who decides these names? I mean your just encouraging for easily amused people like me to laugh at it. For lunch we decided to go to subway where I had a chicken sub with sweetcorn, lettuce, olives, and BBQ sauce, we found a convenient place to sit at the bus stop where most of my sandwich ended up on the floor, we returned to the museum to look at the rest of the exhibits and staying away from the creepy crawler section because my friend is terribly afraid of spiders and it didn't help that that was the first thing you saw through the archway leading to it.  This week was also the week where I got my exam results where I extremely failed in English and felt really disappointed for the whole of the week, but it did help that I had friends around and fast food to keep me company, why not eat when your in a state of depression.

I don't know why but I must of had a craving of nuggets all summer

I tend to play with my phone camera when I'm bored waiting for my mum I thought I captured some good shots playing with the focus and colour


According to my friend this is me, I casually pointed to the statue of Medusa and said "That's you" 




Week V
I wanted to go to the Toy museum so I dragged the friend that I went Natural History museum with me, before we went I asked her if she could look up its location, surprise that when we got there it was just a small toy shop/ museum and we had to pay £4 for entry, this was maybe the most awkward moments deciding whether it was worth paying for or not, but we did just for the sake of being there already. Apparently from what I gathered from my lack of paying any attention to the current surroundings that all the toys were made from this guy named pollack, but I was distracted by the fact that I had soo many questions like "did the website look like a publicly funded national institutional professional website with updates of upcoming temporary exhibits?" and "I know you said on the site that it was free entry but...?"
After the museum we went to find some food I decided to take a risk and get Mac and cheese that I saw in sainsburys to eat at home, it tasted like processed cheese with macaroni, but I'm not complaining it was all right. 

Later in the week I went to see the Smurf Movie with a couple of friends, it was a standard family film and well it didn't make me hate myself for spending money on it. I always found it strange that Smurfette is the only girl Smurf and was kind of 'adopted' by Papa Smurf because he 'saved' her from her creator Gargamel the evil wizard, (she was made to seduce the other Smurfs so he could take their blueness or something) and how did he name all of his kids after their traits? Clumsy Smurf couldn't just trip out of the womb, but the film was Smurferific.
Even the Doll's were scared to be in that museum (don't ask me why they're naked)

I remember playing super market with stuff like these in Primary School, the little plastic fruit and boxes of cereal and soap powder, then you'd go to the Till and pay with monopoly money and Lego pieces and do it all over again...Good times.

I was in the pound shop with my mum getting a few items, one I remember specifically was leather sofa cleaner anyways the price of this Charlotte Church CD made me laugh. Oh how far she's come after the flop of her album...and TV show.

Professional photography moment I had in the car. My mum left the car window open and I started to rain, at least my seat wasn't wet.


  1. Hi Khannah,
    Fascinating!!! I think this is an amazingly record of your summer. I love the way you write. You have a great sence of homour and it's wonderfull that you have included video etc. I want to know more in even more detail. This is what art is all about. It's the way you see the world that is interesting to the viewer. Now you need to use a wide range of making processes to communicate your memories successfully in you final installation.
    Brilliant! Keep it up.

  2. Well done Khannah,
    -you have brought to life your summer memories and your descriptions are very visual!
    Good use of videos and Photography. I would now like to see the same type of record written to document your prep work and thoughts on your newest installation.
