
Stick drawings
We did a form of loose drawings by wrapping equipment we could draw/ paint with on a stick which was about arms length. I found the outcome of this experiment to have been a expressionist drawing with more sense of freedom and exploration without being concerned to much with percision.

This is a collection of images taken from my window instalation. The equipment i used was felt tip pens and mixed paint applied with cotton balls, i found it really hard to control the stick in which direction it was going, to get it near to my initial target i had to slowly point the stick towards the paper rather than going in like i would if done by hand. This was rather a hard task as it was more about the position of your body and how you move you whole arm rather than just the wrist or hand, every material used worked differently as had little control over the pressure you had when impacting the page or percisely where you was going to.

Mark Making Experiments

For this Experiment i used different objects which can be used to make different effects other than using a brush

Experiment I
The items i used here was a zig zag roller sink mesh and a toy car. I used different colours to explore more in what the objects could be used for and quickly annotated using keywords of what I thought about it. I found the zig zag rolled very difficult to use as it didn't fully place the design on the paper or using to much paint filled in the gaps between the zig zag design on the roller and it came out like blob of paint on the page, I ended up using a brush to fill in the gaps where the roller failed to cover. The sink mesh didn't create a perfect design like i would've hoped because the paint seeped under the mesh and blended the different individual colours i was using so didn't rest in where I initially placed it, I also had a problem with keeping the mesh steady I often had to hold it down to get the paint in-between the gaps. Both of these objects may be used to deliberately make imperfect designs, but at this point that's the only advantage i can see using these objects.

Experiment II


  • Nail brush
  • Toothbrush 
  • Comb

I found the experiment on the left hand corner in red particularly interesting. I used the nail brush to repetitively dab the paint on the page which created a refined blotchy velvety design. The comb I found could be used to create very intricate designs when scraping the paint in different directions looks much like woven material. The toothbrush funny enough created more of an even surface for the paint rather than the lines you would expect to see from the  brushes hairs, but when leaving the page it created this imperfect design especially when you curved the brush, i later layered colours (red) on top of the yellow and it sort of looked like flames.

Experiment III

The experiment on top was made with a piece of rectangular foam (vaguely illustrated in the right hand corner) I used acrylic paint to layer the colours which were individually left to settle on the page then  layered other colours one on top of the other in different directions. It created a smooth velvety texture which also looks quite natural.

The circular shapes on the bottom was an attempt to make a design out of a sink filter but because of it's shape the individual holds didn't meet the page effectivly enough and the paint seeped through into the other holes. 

Experiment IV

the design that looks as if the paint has been scratched into the paper was made aluminium kitchen sponge used to clean difficult stains off of dishes, it had created an uneven and blotchy texture  as well as a jagged effect created when brushing the paint. The series of rectangles in purple and yellow was created using a wooden rolling pin which i found was relatively good for making even pattens if the paint was evenly placed on all sides of the pin.

Experiment V

For the following experiments we took the tools we had used previously to making observation drawings of leaves.

This first experiment was made using a piece of rectangular foam and a toy car to make the leaf's skeleton. I attempted to use the same technique I used in Experiment III where I let the paint settle on the page before I layered colours over them. 

This experiment was made using the foil sponge and a miniature foam board I used a combination of blotching to represent the leaf's deterioration and light brushing for the skeleton and the stem.

Mono Printing

mono printing is a process where you place a piece of paper over a thin layer of paint preferably rolled on and you draw over the paper to get the print.

I took the outline from my paper cuts, traced it and coloured it in. It created this cool imprint from my finger and a ring on the end of the page that looks like a coffee stain.

This piece is the second attempt to making a loose interpretation of my alpro soya box i think this was more sucessful that my first attempt as i wasn't concerned wth making it percise. The image was made without having the pencil leave the page then doing the same with another colour (red)  making for a very lax drawing and standoffish effect from the overlapping of a bolder colour.

This is one of the characters off my M&M packet in my first installation i thought it would be intersting to draw. With this print the paint smudged where I was resting my hand on the paper the blue paint also was to to slightly wet 

Cliche' Verre

The Process:
  • Choose image of which to draw from.
  • Place transparent paper or clear film over image and tape the edges to keep it in place.
  • Use permanent marker or acrylic paint or any opaque substance to trace the image on your choice of material (the outcome of the selected areas blanked out will come out white)
  • Take completed image to dark room and place image on top of light sensitive photopaper
  •  Set the gauge to how dark you want the image to be and press start
  • take image and submerge in beach mixture tray leave until image is completely shown
  • put it in the fix mixture and leave for 3 mins
  • The put image in water and leave for 2 mins
    This image was taken from my

this was taken from the pictures in my summer journal
about my trip to the history museum using a  permanent marker. I think if I had reversed the print blocking out the background and parts of the dear that this would've made a better print but instead i played towards the obvious
this is another print taken from my summer journal of my mum's car. what I like about this print is the broken down and simplified outlines of black and white which i think especially works in this negative.                                    
This is from my installation of a kinder bueno wrapper using red acrylic paint I think the paint in some areas worked really well to block out the are's that i didn't want to come out but in others the paint wasn't thick enough i think with paint especially you have to keep going over it to insure a clean result.

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